OPI Perth Letter to the West Australian Newspaper

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This is a Letter to the West Australian regarding HIV Health Policy in WA and is this proof of a return to the bad old days of selfish leadership and staff gravy trains? It is alleged that under the new CEO of WAAC the biggest gravy train of them all  #StyleAID is like Bette Davis and Joan Crawford set to make a come back. Just don't let the cameras or reporters get too close to the books!

This event was always seen by PLHIV in Western Australia as doing more for the Fashion Industry than Positive People. Many times the question was asked what did positive people get out of the event. Allegedly, #StyleAID was an annual festival of parties and time off work for WAAC's very protected Staff. This "come back" will do nothing to suggest to all the many clients who have walked away from WAAC that it's safe to go back!

"At a recent gathering of HIV positive People at the West Australian AIDS Council (WAAC), the Board's Community Representative, Mark Reid, announced that the New WAAC CEO, Daniel Vujcich, has given the go ahead for another StyleAID fashion show fundraiser.

WAAC has run 7 previous #StyleAID events and positive people did not see a single dollar or experienced any benefit in terms of support services; several StyleAID events only just broke even while the rest failed financially.

WAAC is a failed Organisation that does not have the capacity to engage with the modern HIV reality, that is unaccountably delivering the same old unsuccessful programs and events from a tired old playbook. It's time for an audit of WAAC and it's time the Health Department stopped throwing tax payer's money away on Organisation's like WAAC, that never seem to be able to meet their Key Performance Indicators".

OPI Perth

See OPI Perth's Letter Below, which for ease of access we have displayed in our handy pdf displayer!

A New HIV Deal For WA = Perth Sexual Health Clinic & Community Hub!

A Discussion Paper! “Modernising, Moving On & Putting Health Consumers First in Western Australia!” #Destigmatisation #CapacityBuilding #EasyAccess  A New HIV Deal for WA = A New Decade in a New Century & A New Perth Sexual Health Centre will Destigmatise Health Care, Allow Whole of Sector Capacity Building & Provide Easy Access to BBV/STI Treatment/Prevention with A Community Hub to Prioritise Equality & Fairness in Advocacy & Peer Support & Leadership! See the Management Plan below!

Justice without Reparations for Harm is not Justice!

Isn't it about time People Living with HIV/AIDS in Western Australia, who have been harmed by WAAC's toxic culture were paid reparations to compensate them for the damages caused by staff? Moving on  CEOs who can't meet their Key Performance Indicators and other staff who get caught hurting clients and going back to business as usual is doing more harm than good.

It's time to renovate the whole BBV and STI Industry in Western Australia with strategies such as the Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic Model that are proven to work. Outdated unaccountable Councils, aka Gravy Trains, have failed to deliver safe and effective services for People in Western Australia.

It's time the King Makers at #WAHealth realised that Justice without Reparations for Harm is not Justice!


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